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Science 7​

April 27, 2021

The Instructor for this course is Leona McLeod.

Course History

First Offered in 2016

Developed by Cara Hauber

Curriculum Guide

"The aim of K-12 science education is to enable all Saskatchewan student to develop scientific literacy….Diverse learning experiences based on the outcomes in this curriculum provide students with many opportunities to explore, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, appreciate, and understand the interrelationships among science, technology, society , and the environment (STSE) that will affect their personal lives, their careers, and their future."

Science 7 Aims & Goals,     


Course Information

Science 7 is part of the core curriculum for this grade.  Students will explore scientific concepts, discover theories and perform investigations based on the following topics:

Unit 1: Interactions within Ecosystems – (9 weeks)

Explore the world's ecosystems and learn how different organisms interact to create unique and sustainable habitats.

Chapter 1 - Indigenous Knowledge (1.5 weeks)

Chapter 2 - Local Ecosystems (2.5 weeks)

Chapter 3 - Cycles in Ecosystems (3 weeks)

Chapter 4 - How Ecosystems Change (2 weeks)

Unit 2: Mixtures and Solutions – (9 weeks)

In this unit, we will discover the similarities and differences between mixtures and solutions.  We will then use our knowledge to try to separate each into its components and see how we can use this information in the real world.

Chapter 1 - Pure Substances and Mixtures (3 weeks)

Chapter 2 - Separating Mixtures and Solutions (3 weeks)

Chapter 3 - Properties and Applications of Solutions (3 weeks)

Unit 3: Heat and Temperature – (8 weeks)

How do we keep hot things hot and cool things cool?  This unit follows the development of heating and cooling technologies and helps us to understand how heat affects our lives.

Chapter 1 - Heating and Cooling Technologies (4 weeks)

Chapter 2 - States of Matter and the Particle Theory (2 weeks)

Chapter 3 - Heat Transfer (2 weeks)

Unit 4: Earth's Crust and Resources – (10 weeks)

We will investigate the forces behind volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis before turning our attention to the rich resources that make up the Earth's crust.  How can we use these resources responsibly?

Chapter 1 - Catastrophic Geological Events (3.5 weeks)

Chapter 2 - Extracting Earth's Resources (3 weeks)

Chapter 3 - Saskatchewan's Geology (3.5 weeks)

Part of this course will involve performing demonstrations and experiments using items that are commonly found at home. There will many opportunities for students to create their own investigations or presentations, based on their interests and skill levels."

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