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Histoire 10

April 27, 2021

The Instructor for this course is Francois Chateigner

Course History

First Offered in 2010

Developed by Francois Chateigner

Curriculum Guide

Histoire 10 aborde des sujets très intéressants, cependant, ce sera un défi pour tous car ça englobe beaucoup de matières ! 

Le cours d'Histoire 10 consiste en 5 grands modules:

1. La prise de décisions politiques

2. La prise de décisions économiques

3. L'Idéologie et le processus de prise de décisions

4. Les relations économiques internationales

5. Les relations politiques internationales

Il est important de réaliser que le cours d'Histoire 10 est assez exigeant. 

Il te faudra de la discipline personnelle dans ton travail car chaque semaine demande environ 6 à 7 heures par leçon. Ceci est nécessaire afin de compléter le cours. Les 7 heures incluent la lecture de la leçon, les lectures supplémentaires sur le Web, ainsi que le temps de faire les activités et devoirs demandés.

Course Information / Credit Recovery Units

Unit 1 Political decision making      (40 days)

Syllabus and introduction

Political decision making: Social organizations

Evaluation and projects

Political decision making: The social contract

Evaluation and projects

Political decision making: Continued

Evaluation and projects

Political decision making: The Feudal system

Evaluation and projects

Unit 2 Ideology and the decision making process    (30 days)

Ideology and the decision making process: Social contract

Evaluation and projects

Ideology and the decision making process: Ideologies and philosophers.

Evaluation and projects

Ideology and the decision making process: Choosing our leaders

Evaluation and projects

Ideology and the decision making process: From absolute monarchy to democracy.

Evaluation and projects

Unit 3 International political relations  (40 days)

International political relations: sovereignty

Evaluation and projects

International political relations: Colonization

Evaluation and projects

International political relations: Strategic interests

Evaluation and projects

International political relations: Case study: World War One

Evaluation and projects

International political relations: Consequences of World War One

Evaluation and projects

Unit 4 Economic decision making    (12 days)

Economic decision making: The notion of offer and demand

Evaluation and projects

Economic decision making: Production and consumption

Evaluation and projects

Economic decision making: The economic agents

Evaluation and projects

Economic decision making: Salaries

Evaluation and projects

Unit 5 International  economic relations     (10 days)

International economic relations: International business

Evaluation and projects

International economic relations: International business and specialization

Evaluation and projects

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