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Science 90

April 26, 2021

The Instructor for this course is Lisa Choquette

Course History

First Offered in 2017

Developed by Garett Olver

Curriculum Guide

Course Information / Credit Recovery Units

The four goals of the K-12 Science curriculum are:

Understand the Nature of Science and STSE Interrelationships - Students will develop an understanding of the nature of science and technology, their interrelationships, and their social and environmental contexts, including interrelationships between the natural and constructed world.

Construct Scientific Knowledge - Students will construct an understanding of concepts, principles, laws, and theories in life science, in physical science, in earth and space science, and in Indigenous Knowledge of nature; and then apply these understandings to interpret, integrate, and extend their knowledge.

Develop Scientific and Technological Skills - Students will develop the skills required for scientific and technological inquiry, problem solving, and communicating; for working collaboratively; and for making informed decisions.

Develop Attitudes that Support Scientific Habits of Mind - Students will develop attitudes that support the responsible acquisition and application of scientific, technological, and Indigenous knowledge to the mutual benefit of self, society, and the environment.

Science 90 Outcomes: 

Physical Science: Characteristics of Electricity (CE)  (40 days)

CE9.1  Demonstrate and analyze characteristics of static electric charge and current electricity, including historical and cultural understanding. [CP, SI, TPS]

CE9.2  Analyze the relationships that exist among voltage, current, and resistance in series and parallel circuits. [SI]

CE9.3  Assess operating principles, costs, and efficiencies of devices that produce or use electrical energy. [SI, TPS]

CE9.4  Critique impacts of past, current, and possible future methods of small and large scale electrical energy production and distribution in Saskatchewan. [DM, TK]

Physical Science: Atoms and Elements (AE)  (40 Days)

AE9.1  Distinguish between physical and chemical properties of common substances, including those found in household, commercial, industrial, and agricultural applications. [SI]

AE9.2  Analyze historical explanations of the structure of matter up to and including:

Dalton model

Thomson model

Rutherford model

Bohr model of the atom. [SI] 

AE9.3a  Demonstrate an understanding of the classification of pure substances (elements and compounds).

AE 9.3b Demonstrate an understanding of the development and nature of the Periodic Table.

Life Science: Reproduction and Human Development (RE)  (40 Days) 

RE9.1  Examine the process of and influences on the transfer of genetic information and the impact of that understanding on society past and present. [CP, DM]

RE9.2  Observe and describe the significance of cellular reproductive processes, including mitosis and meiosis. [CP, SI]

RE9.3  Describe the processes and implications of sexual and asexual reproduction in plants and animals. [SI]

RE9.4  Analyze the process of human reproduction, including the influence of reproductive and contraceptive technologies. [SI, DM]

Earth and Space Science: Exploring our Universe (EU)  (30 days) 

EU9.1  Inquire into the motion and characteristics of astronomical bodies in our solar system and the universe. [SI]

EU9.2  Analyze scientific explanations of the formation and evolution of our solar system and the universe. [SI]

EU9.3  Examine how various cultures, past and present, including First Nations and Métis, understand and represent astronomical phenomenon. [CP]

EU9.4  Analyze human capabilities for exploring and understanding the universe, including technologies and programs that support such exploration. [DM, TPS]

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